Upper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical Therapy
215 E. 73rd Street (between 2nd & 3rd Ave)
Upper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical Therapy

Upper East Side Team

We are a small practice of top therapists who have been in the community for years. We are personally dedicated to the Upper Eastside Community and love serving generations of families. Come get to know us!

Meredith headshot

Meredith DeVore

Meredith DeVore graduated from LaGuardia Community College and is a licensed physical therapist assistant. Meredith excels at personalizing treatments and therapeutic exercise regimens to help patients reach their goals. She also loves being a part of the postoperative rehabilitation team and has an abundance of experience working with those who have undergone joint replacements. Meredith is an active member of the local American Physical Therapy Association chapter and is incredibly passionate about the profession. When she's not at the clinic, Meredith enjoys birdwatching, playing softball, and spending time with her two cats, Cornelia and William.
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James San Pedro

James San Pedro is the senior staff member and Director of ESR who joined the company in its infancy stage. James helped form ESR into one of the premier PT practices in the Upper East Side. He specializes in Orthopedics and has extensive experience with neuromuscular cases. James has also worked with pediatric and adult sports-related injuries and has served as a trainer to one of the exclusive Upper East Side prep schools. He is the schools on-call PT for athletic and wrestling meets. Along with Dr. Gomez, James is assisting in developing the Prehab Method, a groundbreaking process to reduce athletic injury. He lives with his wife and three daughters, who enjoy traveling and cooking.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)