Upper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical Therapy
215 E. 73rd Street (between 2nd & 3rd Ave)
Upper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical TherapyUpper East Side Physical Therapy
About us


At ESR Physical Therapy, our fully trained and licensed professionals provide preventative, rehabilitative and performance-enhancing programs that maximize functionality and promote well-being.

“New research shows physical therapy as effective as arthroscopic knee surgery” (New England Journal of Medicine. NEJM)


Due to our ongoing continued education mentality, our physical therapists are experts at utilizing the most current and effective therapy techniques from hands-on mobilization, and therapeutic exercise to activity and sport simulation with the latest technology to achieve desired rehabilitative results.


We have a vision for enhancing what patients expect from their physical therapy experience. From the moment our patients walk through the door for their initial evaluation until they are discharged, we have their comfort and wellness goals in mind.


We take pride on operating a successful practice by providing the highest quality patient care, a rewarding career to our colleagues, and serve as the best Physical Therapy resource to our patient referral community.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)